During this year, the OMNIA POSSUM bodybuilding machine was conceived, dimensioned and built, currently pending patent (2021).
The development of OMNIA POSSUM is based on the mechanical experience achieved with the Equestrian Muscle Machine and on fitness knowledge through bodybuilding gyms.
The research carried out during these years has managed to add two new business areas to the company in addition to the services of Product Engineering, Detail Engineering and Fluid and Thermal Calculation:
Development and manufacture of renewable energy systems
Development of metrology and testing machines

Due to the crisis, the company was restructured and renamed IDACOVERTRUCK S.L. In addition to the services already mentioned, the company began to develop its own products thanks to the experience and knowledge acquired over 15 years.

INGENIERIA, DISEÑO Y ANALISIS, S.L. (IDA) is born in Spain. Calculation and engineering design services are developed in the mechanical, structural, thermal and fluid areas, for the development of products or services to third parties, having ANSYS, FLUENT, ROBOT MILENIUM and later PHOENIX as a basic working tool. Sufficient capacities were obtained to perform the calculation services in mechanics, structures, heat and fluids.
Business areas: