Aimed at industrial plants (Cement, Glass, Iron and Steel) and energy plants (Petrochemical, Electrical).
From implementation plans resulting from the Basic Engineering phase, we carry out Detail Engineering:
Structural calculations and dimensioning
Piping, containers and tanks
Equipment (silos, chimneys, screens, belts, etc.)
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Manufacturing and exploded view drawings
In this case, our clients are process engineers who give us as data the implementation plans resulting from the basic engineering they undertake. Our work consists of developing the calculations and the supply of manufacturing plans for new infrastructures of industrial plants and/or process extensions. For this it is necessary to consider and apply the specific regulations of the final client and the international regulations that it also requires.
It is normal to have to consider on the basis of these regulations seismic loads, wind, snow, dust, operation (in equipment), thermal, etc..
The calculation must demonstrate the good behaviour of the dimensioned aerial structure and, in certain cases, the civil works. Likewise, the calculation provides the justification of meetings of profiling (knots), selected screws, welding, according to specific standards, following the ASD (Allowable Stress Design) or LRFD (Load Resistant Force Design) criteria.
The plans will be used by the client for the manufacture and assembly of structures and equipment, so it has to follow standards regulated by the regulations of each client or international. For this reason the delineation has to be executed to a large extent by draughtsmen designers with good experience in metal structure. Detailed solutions must be provided by this figure