ENDESA - MADE : Studies on fixed pitch wind turbine blade technologies for powers of 560 kW.
FUNTAM: Structural design and joints of a shelter type shelter for mobile phone stations.
SULZER: Analysis of the casing, rotating body and gaskets of a large valve for a 600m waterfall of a hydroelectric power station.
PORTLAND CEMENTS: Fluid dynamic analysis of a cooling tower by gas water diffusers with clinker powder.
ATEPISA : Fluid dynamic analysis of preheated air distribution for refinery furnaces (3 different facilities). Fluid dynamic analysis of smokes coming from chimneys. Design of a support mast for a 10 kW wind turbine. Analysis of the rupture of a heat exchanger. Analysis of flexibility of pipe networks. Design of a 70 m chimney for a thermal power plant.
DEFISA . Solution to the abrasion problem of clinker dust at the inlet of various gas coolers through fluid dynamic simulation. Design of a smoke chimney for a thermal power plant 47 m high. Failure analysis in an 18 m high polypropylene wash tank, subjected to suction loads.
CALDEFUSA . Structural analysis of the furnace foundations of a CEPSA refinery.
STHIM MACHINERY. Analysis of the mechanical behavior of the links of a granite rock conveyor belt. Detailed engineering of conveyor belt reinforcements for works in the US, Panama, Mexico and Honduras.
COFAMCO . Weight optimization of a family of silos for aggregates with capacities from 1000 tm to 175 tm. Optimization of a vibrating screen to avoid fatigue cracks.
CST . Design of a silo for cement with a double mouth in the hopper, with a capacity of 300 tm.
SEGINSA . Design of a 90 m long service walkway for a beer production plant. Thermomechanical analysis of an 8 m fermentation tank for beer production.
LG WORKSHOPS . Analysis of a lifting mechanism for waste containers for trucks.
MR MOYANO. Structural design of masts to support mobile phone antennas (20 to 40 m high). Mast foundation sizing. Calculation of wind displacements in a 60 m high metal tower.
INTA . Design and supply of structural supports for electronic equipment on board the radar plane CN235
INTASAR. Supply of tools for the INTASAR radar radome.
LQCA-Mº DEFENSA. Parametric simulation with a CFD code of the dynamic air intakes of a rocket-type engine for missiles.
EXPAL. Analysis of various types of threads in the culottes of the High Performance Bas Bleed 155 mm projectile. Analysis of the opening of the Base Bleed shorts of the 155 mm High Performance projectile in its submunition charge mode.
BACLES . Structural analysis of luminaires for homologation. Structural design of masts to support mobile phone antennas (20 to 40 m high). Mast foundation sizing. Studies of mechanical failure due to fatigue in gusset areas.
BUROTEC. Design of gas station canopies for BP.
INTEGRAL A&I. Analysis according to mechanical test conditions of elevated pavements.
HIPROMAT. Optimization of vehicle wash tunnel structures. RYMSA. Analysis of the behavior of antennas against winds of 200 km / h. Aeroelastic analysis of radio communication masts and solution to fatigue problems.
CD PHARMA. Analysis of hip prostheses according to mechanical test conditions.
AIRFLOW . Design of a family of air conditioning diffusers for large surfaces.
HIS. Analysis and dimensioning of the section of a channel in reinforced concrete of water supply
ABARRATEGUI. Structural calculation of the buildings of an equestrian complex.
CSO. Structural calculation of residential buildings.
BACOLGRA . Structural analysis of several families of luminaires (6 to 12 m) and polygonal tubular masts (15 to 35 m) for their certification.
A.CACHINERO. Verification of a structural design for loudspeaker support in the Seville Olympic stadium.
SAMANÁ SYSTEM . Location and industrial analysis of the companies of Castilla la Mancha suitable to be industrial suppliers of the CASA company in the manufacture of components for the AIRBUS 380 aircraft.